Poolar - Shopify送水服务主题
Shopify Water Delivery Services ThemeWater delivery services are always useful and relevant. 这样的公司可以成功地与В2В和В2С细分市场合作. 我们提供了一个简单的解决方案...
Sales: 1
Support: 4.4/5


如果你正在寻找一种方式来促进你的网上业务, ready-made solutions from Templateog体育首页 are perfect for attracting new clients! 美丽的设计, 时尚的特点, modern ideas are what our web designers and coders combine to create the ideal web environment for you and your potential clients. 停止限制你的选择,充分利用互联网. Food restaurant Shopify themes are a new innovative way of creating a website that does not require special skills to manage all the processes yourself. 除了, we provide free technical support if something goes wrong so you can feel safe purchasing our premium digital products.

Shopify菜单主题-功能 & 特征

我们的作者和工作室重视他们的客户,并照顾他们的声誉, so they do their best so that each ready-made template meets all the market requirements. 通过购买我们的主题, 由于以下主要功能,您将享受愉快的用户体验:

  • 适用于任何浏览器:Mozilla Firefox, 谷歌Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Safari, 微软的优势. We also don't forget to test themes for compatibility with many fallback features for old browsers.
  • 易于安装和管理.
  • Retina-readiness provides every visitor with stunning product images and graphic elements regardless of the device they are using.
  • seo友好有助于您进一步成功推广.
  • The content structure makes the customer feel everything dynamic due to the parallax effect.
  • 能够编辑四个位置之一(页眉、左、右和页脚).
  • 同时为多家店铺提供多语种支持和服务.
  • 通讯和其他弹出窗口.
  • 超级平滑的硬件加速CSS3转换与jQuery回退.
  • 无限层与图像,视频,文本,或自定义HTML内容.
  • 产品过滤器.
  • 100%开源代码.
  • 游客可以使用菜单, Ajax购物车, 搜索他们需要什么,使购买过程更方便.
  • 对于任何网站, menu items play an important role in helping customers navigate your store and find their product quickly.



  • 咖啡店;
  • 街头食品;
  • bars;
  • cafes;
  • clubs;
  • 餐厅;
  • 披萨店;
  • 茶社的;
  • 车间;
  • 送餐服务;
  • 自助餐厅;
  • 快餐点.


Creating a successful online store is not enough just to download a theme and add content. 您可能需要额外的扩展,使您的网站方便, 多功能, 而且和成千上万个类似的不同. Here are some of the most popular plugins that can help you modernize your website:

  • Almost every online shop guarantees free shipping after the shopper has collected a definite number of wares in his shopping cart. 根据最新的数据, 88% of customers purchase online more if the shop guarantees a free delivery service. 一个特殊的插件在网站顶部建立一个自定义栏, 提醒你有免费送货服务. This feature increases the value of each cart and can be added to the template at no cost.
  • 如果没有稳定和相关的流量,网上商店就不会成功. 高效的搜索引擎优化将为网页带来流量,并最终提高销售额. An SEO plugin ensures that your e-commerce website receives the best positions in Google. 它涵盖了SEO的所有主要领域, 例如, 页面标题, 元数据描述, 网页下载速度, 博客文章结构, 内容创意, etc. Check your website regularly; the extension alerts when it detects a problem.
  • InstaShow is an excellent plugin that helps you spin gorgeous image and video galleries from the popular social network. 它包含无尽的个性化选项:所有源类型, 饲料预调节完全适应不同的设备.
  • With a launch of an online store, the owner might wish to introduce payment forms. Shopify为您提供了一百多种付款选项. 它们要么是预先安装的,要么是额外集成的. 主要有:
  1. Stripe;
  2. 苹果支付;
  3. PayPal;
  4. 信用卡和借记卡;
  5. Square.



Sure! 我们让我们的模板准备好在多个设备上实现完美的性能, 其中包括智能手机, tablets, and PCs.


你至少应该了解一些基本知识. You can perform all kinds of actions with the help of an easy-to-use admin panel for an inexperienced user. 然而,如果你想要彻底的改变,那么你肯定需要IT方面的知识.


Sure, it allows a buyer to see the total price calculation when changing the quantity of a product without clicking on the «Update cart» button manually. 它改善了用户购买产品时的体验.


如果我们的产品出现问题, 请og体育的经理, 他们会为你提供个人帮助.


观看关于最热门饮食的有用视频 & 体重矫正设计为您的Shopify商店. 为自助餐厅找一个完美的主题, cafes, 饮料店和健康营养博客项目, 并使其盈利,以响应, seo友好, 和完全成熟的营养主题布局.